Поделитесь своей любовью к кофе

 —  — “Arabica" is the choice of cosmonauts!

“Arabica" is the choice of cosmonauts!


"The Moscow Coffee House" has conquered a new height. According to the results of the selection and coffee tastings conducted by specialists of the Research Institute of Special Food Technology, Arabica coffee from the Moscow Coffee House on Payakh was recognized as the best. On April 30, 2019, it was included in the diet of the crews of long-term expeditions to the International Space Station.

From June 24 to October 3, 2019, during the sixtieth expedition (ISS-60) to the International Space Station, astronauts in orbit enjoyed freeze-dried Arabica coffee from "The Moscow Coffee House" .

The cosmonauts rated the quality of coffee from the "The Moscow Coffee House" by 10 points out of 10 possible!

Hero of Russia, commander of the cosmonaut detachment Oleg Dmitrievich Kononenko gave the following comment: "The crew members in orbit appreciated the rich taste and rich aroma of coffee and recommend the use of coffee from the Moscow Coffee House on the ISS in the diet on a regular basis."

And you can treat yourself to cosmically delicious "Arabica" right now. Just a couple of seconds – and your coffee is ready!

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